🖐🏾=5️⃣: Try this "GPT": Universal Feminism Advocate:


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24.06.19: Ever heard of "matrix (quantum) mechanics"; see alse: "mc squared" or else: "matrices":


24.06.18: Using English words including "electromagnetism" remains practical as resisting "gravity" will have rejected (past perfect) violent male supremacists:


24.06.17: General "intelligence" remains in favor of +1 Angela Davis book title: Freedom Is A Constant Struggle:


24.06.16: 1+1=2 feminist critiques (appealing to physics, chemistry, and contemporary "now" journalism):


24.06.15: #vss365 observe (+1) nature's thermodynamic laws + creative fiction: vs war-criminal-birthday (point zero) nihilist (-1) creationisms :


24.06.15: Medical doctors (as feminists) challenging violent, sexist ideologies "now") :


24.06.15: Simone de Beauvoir (scroll down): feminism appeals to nature's laws:


24.06.15: Physical Systems and Infinities, Gödel's Platonism and Arithmetic, Cantor's Diagonal Argument (+ Thermodynamics in Rumi's poetry):

ChatGPT: Yes, let's tie these concepts together using the framework of physical systems, infinities, and mathematical consistency:

  1. Physical Systems and Infinities: Physical systems can exhibit behaviors that are conceptually related to mathematical infinities, such as quantum states and energy levels. These systems often require sophisticated mathematical descriptions involving concepts like square roots and infinities.

  2. Cantor's Diagonal Argument: This argument shows that there are different sizes of infinities, such as the set of real numbers being uncountably infinite compared to the countably infinite set of natural numbers. This concept helps us understand that not all infinities are the same and provides a mathematical foundation for dealing with infinite sets.

  3. Gödel's Platonism and Arithmetic: Gödel's work in mathematical logic, including his incompleteness theorems, supports a Platonic view of mathematics where mathematical truths exist independently of human thought. The simple arithmetic truth "1+1=2" is an example of such a fundamental, self-evident truth.